Poseidon 1.0 gets Panopticon 3

Since Panopticon 2 has been a bit outdated for a while now, and we already had some work done on Panopticon 3, we decided to bump Panopticon 3 into the Poseidon 1.0 release!  Do you know what this means?

No more probes!

Changes for Panopticon 3:

  • Using new technology, it is no longer necessary to rez any probes to get a timely list of all avatars in the region.
  • Improved appearance
  • New, easy-to-use, textured user interface
  • Reduction from roughly 40 scripts for the entire radar, to about 2.
  • Both “absolute” (sim coords) and “relative” (relative to radar) display modes
  • Preprogrammed viewing ranges, in addition to manual range entry
  • Displays compatible starships, not just avatars
  • Shows both avatars’ display names and user names

In other news…

  • The actual script installation process and integration testing for the rest of Poseidon have begun.
  • Poseidon will now default to setting your ship’s faction to your username, instead of “none”, to make it easier for your friends to pick out your ship on their HUDs. (You may manually override this.)
  • The new default name for Poseidon is “Cerulean Ocean”.
  • Hydra 1 has also been updated to be entirely probe-free. The ship now rezzes no probes at all.
  • The ship database can now load additional notecards, and uses the slightly more simplified notecard format from Artemis.

What’s left?

  • Finish art assets for elevator, tweak elevator scripts
  • Weapons installation
  • Finish updated script install
  • Update HUD layout
  • Tweak flight characteristics
  • Quality Assurance testing
  • Manual update